Thursday, December 27, 2007

Growing pains...

Greetings bloggers...

Our company is still under-going the growing pains of an internet monitoring system.

I have unfortunately been unable to post. I hope to round up excellent information to post soon.

So sorry for the delay.

I did get to attend AU this year. It was the first time for me. It was amazing!!! I got to meet so many people and "celebrates" in the Autodesk, ACAD, ABS, ADT, Revit, etc worlds.

If Lynn Allen ever checks out this blog: "Hi! Your class on tips and tricks for Acad was amazing. I feel very privileged for having gotten to meet you."

Unfortunately, this is all I have time to post right now.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday season!!


Todd M. Shackelford said...

What! Is Lynn Allen more famous than me!

Well, I read your Blog. Keep up the great work Abbie!

Ab said...

I guess it depends on what circles you run in....CAD or to how famous-rating. :) Thanks for reading Shack-man!