Friday, August 21, 2009

AU 09

Open registration for AU 09 has begun!

Get in there and get signed up!

If you are a Revit MEP person, I highly suggest Todd Shackelford's #MP322-1 Implementing Autodesk Revit MEP: A to Z class!

Todd Shadkelford is the "author" of the "Cad Shack" blog, which rocks!

Creating Automatic Gap on Crossed Lines

This is for our basic lines/arcs/circles friends out there.
Sometimes we have to isometric or schematic sketches and need to use ye old lines/arcs/circles commands. When they cross I'd like to have a standard gap created so that from drafter to drafter they will look the same.

Thanks to a fantastic person on the Autodesk Discussion Groups (Big shout out of thanks to Mep09Developer !!!!) I now have a snappy little tool to do this.

First I will give the lisp code, and then I will tell you how I pushed it into a button/drop down in the cui.


Lisp file (Again....huge thanks to Mep09Developer!!!):

;;; C:GAPLINE - creates gaps at line intersections so that one of the lines remains unchanged
;;; From
;;; By "Mep09Developer" on 08-10-09

(defun C:GL (/ gap intpt gapent circle)
(prompt "GAP LINE")
(while 'T
(setq gap 4
intpt (osnap (getpoint "\nSpecify intersection point: ") "INT")
(if intpt
(setq gapent (car (entsel "\nPick entity to gap: ")))
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command "CIRCLE" intpt gap)
(command "TRIM" (setq circle (entlast)) "" (list gapent intpt) "")
(command "ERASE" circle "")
(setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
(prompt "\n")

Info to get it onto a drop-down or button in the cui, use "/" for the file path name, the file name for the lisp was called "GapLine2":

^C^C(load "[file location]/Support/GapLine2");(C:GL);

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AU 09 Sign-ups Open!

The sign ups for Autodesk University 2009 are Officially Open for Early Registration!
(If you have an AU account, you can early register)

Autodesk University 2009 (AU!) Link

I'm signed up and excited to be taking a bunch of Revit MEP classes.

Who knows...perhaps I'll begin posting about Revit MEP in the upcoming year?! :D

Thursday, August 06, 2009

ABS Snaps vs Osnaps with Duct and Pipe Commands

Anyone get annoyed that the ABS snaps don't come on automatically when you start your duct or pipe command? Anyone also run into the issue where you have your osnaps on and they override the ABS snaps and your duct or pipe is not actually connected?

Try this fun tip: It does work for the 2010 A-MEP software!! :D

Ok, I have a way that I have "forced" this on the duct and pipe commands on the palettes.
You'll have to check for your version of the software to find out for sure what the command is for turning on/off the MEP snaps is.
I made this for ABS07, you should be able to modify it for the upper versions (I hope).

I right clicked on the duct icon on the duct palette.
Choose "Properties".
Under "Basic" there's a command section.
Click in the command section.
Here's what I have: AECBOSMODE 1023 OSMODE 0 ^C^C_AecbDuctAdd
If you use a value of 1023 for AECBOSMODE it will turn them all on.
I set OSMODE to 0 so all of the osnaps are turned off.

I made a separate "hotkey" to turn the MEP snaps back off and turns on a select few Osnaps.
Here's what I have for that key: AECBOSMODE 0 OSMODE 135
Only issue with can't use the hotkeys while you're in the middle of a command.
You have to remember to use them before you initiate the command.

There is a good discussion on Autodesk's Discussion Groups about this.
I have posed this same info there as well: Autodesk MEP Discussion Group Issue Link

Script - Plot Dwg Files

; This script is intended to clean plotting dwg files and set scales and textsyles

; Copy and paste this code into notepad and save the file with a ".scr" extension

; This script was obtained from

_autosnap ; changes the autosnap value
63 ; to 63
_viewres ; changes the viewres value
Y ; yes to fast zooms
100 ; value set to 100
_textstyle ; sets current textstyle
"RomanS" ; to RomanS
_ltscale ; invokes ltscale command
0.5 ; value set to 0.5
_dimscale ; invokes dimscale command
96 ; sets value to 96
_psltscale ; invokes psltscale command
1 ; sets value to 1
-purge ; invokes -purge command
Regapps ; purges regapps
* ; enters all for names to purge
N ; no to verify them individually
-purge ; invokes -purge command
A ; purges all
* ; enters all for names to purge
N ; no to verify them individually
Audit ; invokes audit command
Y ; yes to fix any errors detected
Qsave ; saves the drawing

Script - Background-Xref Files

; This script is intended to clean background dwgs and set scales and textsyles

; Copy and paste this code into notepad and save the file with a ".scr" extension

; This script was obtained from


_autosnap ; changes the autosnap value

63 ; to 63

_viewres ; changes the viewres value

Y ; yes to fast zooms

100 ; value set to 100

_textstyle ; sets current textstyle

"RomanS" ; to RomanS

_ltscale ; invokes ltscale command

48 ; sets value to 48

_dimscale ; invokes dimscale command

96 ; sets value to 96

_psltscale ; invokes psltscale command

0 ; sets value to 0

-purge ; invokes -purge command

Regapps ; purges regapps

* ; enters all for names to purge

N ; no to verify them individually

-purge ; invokes -purge command

A ; purges all

* ; enters all for names to purge

N ; no to verify them individually

Audit ; invokes audit command

Y ; yes to fix any errors detected

Qsave ; saves the drawing

Script Fun Is About to Begin!

Hello Bloggers!
I have not forgotten about you all...I have been busy adding new content to my reference guide.
I will be posting my new info here for you all to utilize as well.
I hope it helps!

I have created a few script files to help my dept out.
We have "background" files that we xref into "plotting" files.
We work in the background files and we print/plot from the plotting files.
(sounds self-explanatory enough, eh?)
In order to keep all of our scales correct and our files clean I have created a couple of script files.
If you would like to use them please make sure you denote that you found them here.

I will post the scripts separately.