Friday, June 29, 2007

Missing Curve/End Coonector and Osnap Symbols?

So I had been hoping to get more posts out here quicker. Unfortunately, other tasks at work have kept me away from reviewing and posting some of the information I had learned at class.

Right now I am dealing with my wipeout blocks showing up correctly in modelspace and paperspace, but when you print and/or do a print preview they don't hide the stuff underneath them. This is quite frankly annoying. I am using them to place text on top of 1-line piping. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to drop a comment. This used to it's stopped working. I just can't figure out why. It's not computer, drawing, or printer specific. I think I may have messed up some setting in my template and I can't figure out which one. I've gone through my notes and "un-did" those still doesn't work any more. WHY?! Sigh. Maybe I'll post this on AUGI and/or the Autodesk Subscription Center.

Today I had an interesting question...a user's osnap and end/curve connector symbols were not showing up. The pop-up text stating that you were on a curve connector (etc) did show up so we knew it was working, just not visual. here's how to fix this in case any of you run across this same problem.

Right click on the "osnap" button at the bottom and choose "settings".
Make sure you are in either the Osnap tab or the ABS Snap tab.
Click on the "Options" button.
You will now be in the options pop-up.
Make sure you are on the "Drafting" tab.
Under the "AutoSnap Settings" section make sure "Marker" is check marked.
Also I keep "magnet" and "display autosnap tooltip" checked as well.
Click "Ok" once you are done here.
You will be back in the Drafting settings pop-up.
Click "Ok".

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Cut Plane

Good afternoon all,
So sorry it has been quite awhile since I have gotten to post. I have been swamped after coming back from my training. I am attempting to get caught up so that I can dig in and start "fixing" and amending my set-up for my dept. It's quite a task ahead of me and many choices to make.

In the process I have had a couple of people telling me that when they xref in a structural drawing to look at the steel for their floor, they can't see it. Everything is turned on, but no steel.

It turns out that when I decided to use the OOTB cut plane for my display configuration it ended up cutting off before the steel showed up.

Anyway...enjoy the info listed below and hopefully I can get more posts out quicker in the coming days!

So, here's how to change your cut plane elevations:
Open up your template.
Go to modelspace.
Go to Format/Display Manager/Configurations/
Now choose the display configuration that you need to change the cut plane on.
For me it is "MEP Design".
Click once on it to select it.
In the right hand column click on the "Cut Plane" tab.
Here are the settings that I am going to use:
Display above range: 200'-0" (yes, this is huge, but if you knew how our dwgs were set-up, it would make more sense)
Cut height: 3'-6" (didn't change this one)
Display below range: 0" (didn't change this one)